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‣ Sexy boek van vandaag:
Titel: Assumption
Schrijfster: Aurora Rose Reynolds
Serie: Underground Kings #1
Genre: New Adult
Gepubliceerd: augustus 2014
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a thing that is accepted as true or as certain to happen, without proof
They say when you assume that you make an ass out of you and me.
Kenton Mayson learned this lesson firsthand when he made assumptions about Autumn Freeman and the kind of woman she is based on what little information he had. What he finds out is she’s not only beautiful, but also smart, funny, a fighter, and exactly the kind of woman he wants to share his life with.
Autumn made assumptions of her own about Kenton, and now he needs to prove her wrong in order to protect her and their future.
‣ Aurora Rose Reynolds haar mannelijke hoofdpersonen zijn over the top Alpha Males en zo af en toe vind ik het heerlijk om over zo'n bezitterige, beschermende en o zo sexy man te lezen.
‣ Sexy quote:
She's not what I expected. She's not what I wanted, but fuck me if she's not what I need.
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