Waiting on Wednesday (WoW) is een wekelijks terugkerende rubriek die wordt gehost door Breaking the Spine.

In die rubriek vertellen boekliefhebbers naar welke boeken ze uitkijken.

Mijn WoW:

 Ze mag ook tot mijn favoriete schrijfsters gerekend worden, M. Leighton. Het laatste boek dat ik van haar heb gelezen, There's Wild, Then There's You, viel me iets tegen maar ik weet zeker dat dit boek dat helemaal goed gaat maken.

Titel: Pocketful of Sand
Schrijfster: M. Leighton
Genre: New Adult, Hedendaags
Verwacht: 15 maart 2015
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“She was beauty for my ashes and I was hope for her heartache.”—Cole Danzer.

I don’t know what makes a great love story. Is it that instant attraction when boy meets girl? The passionate kisses and the fairy-tale ending? Or is it a lifetime of tragedy, paid in advance, for a few stolen moments of pure bliss? The pain and the suffering that, in the end, you can say are worth it for having found the missing piece of your soul?

The answer is: I don’t know. I don’t know what makes a great love story. I only know what makes my love story. I only know that finding Cole when I did, when my world had dissolved into nothing, when I couldn’t separate nightmare from reality, was the only thing that saved me. He was more broken than I was, but somehow we took each other’s shattered pieces and made a whole. Without him, I wouldn’t have made it. If that is what makes a great love story, if that is what makes an epic romance, then mine…ours is the greatest of them all.